Did he really say that?

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = GEORGE CARLIN...Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R.L.SWIHART

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Another Dawning

More pearls have been cast before this swine (a/k/a Mr. Mud).
The quotes are from Selected Letters Of Dawn Powell

They had spent a drunken evening with Dorothy Parker and her beau in St. Thomas en route [to Haiti] and said Dorothy looked older than God and was a mess but not as much as her boyfriend whom they finished off...Beer bad and very high–fifty cents a bottle–and in the clip house the girls are told to order it for the sailors as they are told to order champagne other places. The leading whore house is called the Square Deal Joint.

The ads in our newspapers, such as Dr. Murray Banks, the Sex Psychologist with dancing, coffee, Freud, Marx, and bebop...There is no iron curtain as iron as the one between the American Way of today and the accepted American idea of the American way...The intelligentsia pretends to know a horn from a harp while the musicians pretend they know a book from a bookie...Men in full regalia present a typically primitive picture as they lock cornucopias in ceremonial dances.

A profitable morning making a toaster out of paper clips. I could not make the toaster, only a lousy old electric razor with onions...“Paris lay down and spread her legs out before any invader.”

...Sartre as a commercial enterprise like corn flakes or Shirley Temple–hotels, magazines, theaters, real estate thrive on his okay, just as our Hopalong Cassady boots, breakfast foods...The men dine in a body at Longchamps...“Never lend a man an axe after midnight”... The Work was at a point where I should be reminded that it is old enough now to go to work but I keep curling its hair and putting its finger back in its mouth.

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