Did he really say that?

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = GEORGE CARLIN...Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R.L.SWIHART

Saturday, February 25, 2012

...................... 37 Bullets (±x) ......................

Presently, x = 12

The more you write, the more you need a weedwhacker

When the creative process is ten percent excellent and ninety percent excrement, 
all you have to do is tip the scale

A run-on sentence is the literary equivalent of a drum roll

If they gave Mona Lisa a makeover, she could look 
a whole lot younger but what’s the point?

If you never look back, you won't fall on your past

We all need something to believe in even if it’s just disbelief

Anyone who only believes in the absolute truth is better off being an atheist

Everybody needs their moment in the sun but we can 
just as well sparkle under a silver moon

Castles made of sand are not subject to housing codes

A trauma a day keeps your sanity away

If you take too many shortcuts, you will never survive the long haul

 Why do we need two hands to put on one glove?

Statistics reveal as much as they conceal

Just because a man wears a three-piece suit does not mean he has a four-star brain

Just because a book is "non-fiction" does not mean everything in it is true

Freedom of Speech is dangerous if you do not know when not to speak

To forget and to lie both reside in the same zip code

Every politician is honest; some of them are honest for as long as five minutes

If trust was measurable by cleavage, the divorce rate would plummet

An elephant never forgets because he has nothing to remember

Complete undivided attention died the day texting was born...

Paranoia is vanity through the  looking glass

If there were no injustice, you could never have a sense of justice

There would be no repetition if things were not done a first time

Carnal knowledge is often learned in the backseat of a car

There  is always an easier way than the hardest solution

Bad impulses out-wrestle good intentions

Never try to sell fire insurance to a fish

Caution: my middle name has legally been changed to "Copyright"

The way we mistreat Mother Nature, we might all become orphans

Honesty is not something that you should have to manufacture

When you have something important to say 
don’t let words get in the way

The devil can sell you aluminum siding 
when all you really wanted was a cup of coffee

Agnosticism is ignorance with a doctoral degree

Atheism is lacking in imagination but my alma mater 
has more  than a surplus of the latter

Organized religion was invented because people need
an organized sense of hypocrisy

For the Talented Tenth nothing is more revolting
than universal equality.


Blogger's Notes
"Agnosticism is..." was inspired by
Zelda Fitzgerald's SAVE ME THE WALTZ.

This post has been copyrighted by
the Lewis Carroll School of Logic.

For legal usage of any of these "bullets"
please contact this website.

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