Did he really say that?

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = GEORGE CARLIN...Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R.L.SWIHART

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Stealth Artist


The corrected quote is "All artists steal. Only the best artists do it with stealth."
They do so in a way as to be beyond suspicion. If the artist's medium is words, then the great artist might only steal a single line. But sometimes that single line can be as obvious as the tip of your nose.

To describe Bob Dylan as a great artist is to be guilty of understatement.
One of his most famous songs is Just Like A Woman, from the ultra-classic 1966 double album Blonde on Blonde.
But, in 1946, he was a kindergarten kid named Robert Zimmerman.
That year, Louis Jordan composed and recorded Aint That Just Like A Woman This link will lead you to a most entertaining video and I will now lead you to the lyrics of the ultra-poetic
Mr. Jordan.

There was Adam, happy as a man could be
Till Eve got him messin’ with that old apple tree
Ain’t that just like a woman? (3x)
They’ll do it every time
Lot took his wife down to the corner for a malted
She wouldn’t mind her business, boy, did she get salted
Ain’t that just like a woman? (3x)
They’ll do it every time
Samson thought Delilah was on the square
Till one night she clipped him all his hair
Ain’t that just like a woman? (3x)
They’ll do it every time
From our history books we all learned
Nero fiddled while Rome was burned
Ain’t that just like a woman? (3x)
They’ll do it every time
Marie Antoinette met some hungry cats at the gate
They was crying for bread, she said, "Let them eat cake"
Ain’t that just like a woman? (3x)
They’ll do it every time
You can buy a woman clothes
And give her money on the side
No matter what you do
She ain’t never satisfied
Ain’t that just like a woman? (3x)
They’ll do it every time

Does the existence of the Louis Jordan song mean that Bob Dylan is less of an artist and more of a thief?

Mr. Dylan stole two thirds of the title from Mr. Jordan. Nothing more! The Dylan song is case-specific; the Jordan song is a comedic historical overview of the female gender. Mr. Dylan sang about someone who "aches just like a woman but breaks just like a little girl." It is impossible to imagine any of the women referenced by Mr. Jordan ever breaking like a little girl. If the last sentence was false then Marie Antoinette would have said "Let them eat cupcakes."

If perchance you had the Plan 9 Music app, all of the above information would be readily available to you. But there will be much more to come from the Plan 9 Concept.

Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!


This is not an original quote. I just stole it, word for word, from Lewis Carroll. The theft was motivated by my inner snark.

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