Did he really say that?

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = GEORGE CARLIN...Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R.L.SWIHART

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Godfather of Math

This blog would not exist were it not for
the Los Angeles Times.

In particular, the name of this blog
is derived from a 1987 article written
about me by a reporter named
Tom Gorman.

As a result of that article,
I was hired as a Math Teacher.

Nine years later, the Times
was in my classroom, again.

The reporter was  Elaine Woo.

My gratitude to Mr. Gorman,
Ms. Woo and the Los Angeles Times
is beyond measure.   

Gratitude must also be extended to Gyselle,  the K-towners,
Rip Spencer, "rls,"  Mrs. CarPeo,  Jay Pegg, and Et Al.

Apologies must be made to Pascal, Pythagoras, Euclid,
and all the true Godfathers of Mathematics,
including Leopold Kronecker who once said
God made the numbers, all else is the work of man.

On the pages that follow, Logic—the breathing apparatus
for all things mathematical—will often appear wearing
high heel sneakers.

This is not a blog for people interested in rigorous scientific theses

And "This Is Not A Pipe" is how
you say those words in English.

It is an image of a pipe but
the phrase This is not will
appear many times
throughout this blog.

Thank you, Rene Magritte.

On this blog but there will be a mischmasch of data–words & pictures–mostly directed at that thing called your mind, by way of the jocular vein. 

As if I were alternately known as the "Godfather of Mirthematics."

Occasionally, I will pay tribute to people who eminently deserve such compensation. In this potpourri of posts, subject matter and chronology will take leaps and bounds. But there will also be sequential posts, for example, "Apple 1" through "Apple 9."

If you are a very visual type of person, please scroll down to the 2-DIE-4 PHOTO GALLERY and feel free to let me know what your eyes think.

A 19th century Brit named Charles Lewis Dodgson amused his siblings with a handmade puzzle book entitled "Mischmasch." The future Oxford University Math professor influenced me more than any teacher who ever got chalk on his clothes.  

Except for the King James Bible, no book in the English language is quoted more often 
than Alice in Wonderland.

Identical to the one in New York's Central Park, this statue of Dodgson/Carroll is situated
in the exact geographical middle of my alma mater.

I have a graduate degree from the Lewis Carroll School of Logic
where students are compelled to get "curiouser and curiouser."

All LCSoL Graduate students learn that curiosity is the opposite of anxiety. 
Both involve what is unknown. The former is intrigued by it 
but the latter is terrified by the unknown. 

At the Lewis Carroll School, everybody knows that "Music is the mathematics of the Gods." 

The Post-Humous Chairman of the Music Department is McKinley Morganfield. 
His primary field of interest is "Bloggerhythm & Blues," 
with an emphasis on Chicago Blues.

Professor Morganfield is also known as Muddy Waters.

If logic were a lady, I'd dress her in high-heel sneakers. 

But, in such attire, she would never be welcome on a racquetball court. 
However, she will still have a vigorous work-out by exercising her free will. 
There is only one demand I would put on this lady: upon entering a Jacuzzi, 
she must massage her feet.

All of the photographs posted in the 2-DIE-4 Gallery were taken by me, 
unless linked otherwise.

Rene Magritte is the Post-Humous Chairman of the Art Department 
at the Lewis Carroll School. 

I have permission to alter the spelling of his name and wish

Mr. Carroll once said "Anything that is illogical, as opposed to logical, 
hastens the creation of comedy but there are other ways to be funny."

If you like this blog, tell a friend. If you do not like this blog, tell a lie.

Mark Twain once said "Truth is such a valuable commodity that we economize the use of it."

Marcel DuTramp once said "If it weren't for the lie, the truth would have no place to hide."

DuTramp is pronounced Doo-TRUMP. 
He is not to be confused with his uncle, Marcel Duchamp. 
But neither is a stranger to the creative process.

Blogger's Notes
The quote from Pythagoras at the very top of this page is stated verbatim
in the Disney Classic, Donald in Mathemagic Land.

In the Los Angeles Times, front page obituaries of Norman Mailer, Elizabeth Taylor, 
Michael Jackson and J.D. Salinger were written by Elaine Woo
But I was alive and well when she wrote about me.

The previous paragraph is an example of a "deferential equation."
That is, I pretentiously deferred to equate myself with
Michael Jackson and J.D. Salinger.

The next Mark Twain reference is here.


Anonymous said...

Truly you are a funny math man, and after reading the L.A. Times article I appreciate your “angle” on humor and dedication to math education. I am the one who photographed you (twice in one day, what are the odds?) during your recent trip to Oregon: once by the library in between some concrete things and once between some trees and light posts.
What are your thoughts on Logarithms and do you have successful methods of teaching them? I ask because they are so incredibly non-intuitive to me. Perhaps your next comical blog post?

Paul Oliverio said...

Sorry it took so long to answer yr question about the "logarithm."

Since I am no longer on speaking terms with Mr. SpellCheck, all I can think of is logarhythm.

But I am intimate with Ms. Poetica and always I think of Blogarhythm.

"Such is human perversity"
Lewis Carroll said that.