Did he really say that?

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = GEORGE CARLIN...Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R.L.SWIHART

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Aint Nothing But Marcel DuTramp

I'm not sure how the poetry jives with the "photo strip" but Marcel DuTramp
referred to the former as the "words of wisdom or words of wisdumb."

Mr. DuTramp is also known as the Resident Artist of the Long Beach Jetty.

Reincarnation aint nothing but recycling of the master species...

Loneliness aint nothing but solitude with attitude...

Suicide aint nothing but death in a fast-forward mode...

But we all get to bellydance with reality.

Sometimes the tongue can burn a hole in the cheek.

Like all dairy products, the milk of human kindness
has an expiration date.

The more sensible a man is, the less sensible is his behavior.

People need communication skills in order to overcome
their infinitely superior miscommunications skills.

Communication, like sex, is a wonderful thing
when a second party is involved.

Beware of spring chickens who think they are about
to lay the golden egg.

The MTV generation mistakes enthusiasm for talent
and vitriol for valor.

It is necessary to be resourceful but not necessarily
with other people's resources.

The man with thirty-seven cents is King
in the Land of Empty Pockets.

When the bad guy dies, death becomes
God's pooper scooper.

We must always be wary of words
like must and always.

Never trust a man who always tells the truth.

The next Marcel DuTramp page is here.

ALL of the DuTramp quotes
are the copyrighted property
of the Lewis Carroll School of Logic.

Regarding usage or performance of any quote therein,
please contact this website.

The "photo strip" was inspired by sculptor Alberto Giacometti.

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