At the Church of the Solid Cinder
There was no Original Sin
But there was the Original Twin
So much smaller in stature
With eyes never opened wide
Little Joey Christ was equally crucified
Except for the Solid Cinder
All scripture is at a loss
Accounting for the miniature cross
Big Brother Jesus
Got all the press
Little Twin Joey always made a mess
Present at the Miracle
Of the Loaves & Fishes
Joey washed all the dishes
Smashing plates while
Turning water into mud
Joey's only words were Thud Thud Thud
Of Joey's official miracle
History gave no talk
Little Joey Christ made chocolate into chalk
But no devil is
This Little He
Who only believed in tomfoolery
As for me,
The scribe I be
May need hide in a vault
If only
To avoid
Becoming a pile of salt
This page would not exist without the approval of Father Frank, a/k/a Monsignor Oliverio
This page would not exist without the inspiration of Jack McCarthy & Raymond Peterssen
This page would not exist without the laughter of my two favorite Peetniks: rls and sh
Without the existence of my fiance, this blog would have perished four hundred pages ago
This reader–a/k/a YOU–may or may not blog-search for any of the above
This writer–a/k/a ME–will shortly resume usage of that terminal dot thingy
Peetniks is the copyrighted property of Peets Coffee
The Original Twin is the copyrighted property of the Lewis Carroll School of Logic
Have a nice day and a better evening