Did he really say that?

The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes = GEORGE CARLIN...Stained glass, engraved glass, frosted glass–give me plain glass = JOHN FOWLES...Music is the mathematics of the gods = PYTHAGORAS...Nothing is more fluid than language = R.L.SWIHART

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Satchmo in Stuttgart

You asked for it. Louis Armstrong LIVE.
"Basin Street Blues" recorded live
before an appreciative audience
in Stuttgart, Germany in 1959.
- Lester Perkins
Jazz on the Tube

or YOU can just...click HERE
And if you want to hear more from Louis with Trummy Young, Peanuts Hucko & Danny Barcelona...click THERE and do the scroll down boogie...but the text therein is SAVOYlicious!

You can't play anything on a horn that Louis hasn't played. - Miles Davis

Trummy Young was an original cast member of Johnny Carson's TONIGHT SHOW Orchestra and/or the first African-American TONIGHT SHOW musician.

As for the first African-American musician to play in a TV house band, that would be Buddy Collette.
Mr. Collette also had a featured role in this documentary

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