I just received a letter from Karl Hobbes. It begins with a poem:
Running, walking, skipping rope**********************
Exercise will give you hope
But you only flex
Muscles of delusion
When all your jumping
Leads only to conclusion
The letter included a "stock" photograph which lead me to expect
a cute or clever historical comment.
(Ha) (Ha) (Ha)

They are I-beaming the perimeter of the campus.
The Lewis Carroll School of Logic
has been bought out by a conglomerate
with a "Through The Looking Glass" acronym
USC = United Stakes of Chimerica
This is Chancellor Hobbes' second reference to that Looking Glass acronym.
I had assumed it was an omnipotent-but-friendly "affiliate" of LCSoL
I hope it doesn't mandate addressing Mr. Hobbes as "The Wiz."
But I do prefer the updated spelling of K-a-r-l